What a Year- 2016
It is nearly over but doing one more little job before finishing.
So what have we done? Well thanks to our amazing staff and great customers to use an americanism- ' we knocked it out of the park', more softeners installed and serviced than last year and twice as much salt. Thanks
The Remains of the Year
Here is the remains of our rubbish pile. You have to be really useless to end up here- normally Chinese or softeners that are not softeners.
Softener- not
What Next
So what does next year have to offer- the plan more staff, bigger office and happy customers. The reality- what ever we make it.
As a foot note I must warn you that salt might be going up in the new year. Not much do not panic. Just remember that a proper softener will always save you money.
have a great new year.
Order salt and our great washing powder